IV Therapy

Why IV Nutrition Therapy?

IV infusions are able to replenish micronutrients, trace elements and amino acids critical to metabolic function directly into circulation.

IV therapy can also bypass a damaged GI system to reach therapeutic levels that can’t be achieved with oral intake. Damage can be from a leaky gut, bacterial overgrowth or missing enzymes that are necessary to absorb vitamins from food or supplements. Many common medications used to treat diabetes and blood pressure actually block absorption of essential nutrients like B-12 and CoQ10. Use of antibiotics can wipe out the good bacteria in our gut, letting the harmful bacteria take over and actually make the immune system worse.

IV infusions can replenish essential micronutrients, that when missing are actually the core cause of many ailments, at the cellular level. This leads to a quick immune boost, and energy burst and improved overall wellness. Think prevention, anti-aging and vitality. Regular infusions will keep you running at your absolute best.

Most of our IV infusions can be scheduled online. Specialty IVs, such as Vitamin C. require assistance scheduling to assure you are an appropriate candidate for the infusion.

If you aren’t sure what you may need, just ask! Our infusion team can help you decide.

Migraine and Pain Relief Now!

When the migraine won't go away, come on in and let us take the pain away. An IV vitamin mixture specific to pain, in addition to IV ketorolac, IV Zofran and IV Dexamthasone to keep the pain from coming back. In our relaxing spa setting.

The Hangover Cure

When the night before has left your stomach a mess and your head throbbing, come on in and let us take the misery away. An IV vitamin mixture specific to pain, in addition to Famotidine IV to calm dyspepsia, nausea, acid reflux, GI upset, Ketorolac IV to calm headache, body aches, and generalized discomfort, Zofran IV for nausea, Dexamethasone IV to calm inflammation associated with a hangover.

Brain Storm

Nutrients in this IV cocktail, Alhpa Lipoic Acid, Taurine, B-12 and Folic Acid, work to improve neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers of the brain and can short circuit when they don’t get what they need to function properly

Works well for those with poor focus, irritability, brain fog, fatigue and difficulty retaining new information.

Meyers Cocktail

This “cocktail” includes vitamin C, numerous B vitamins, calcium, and magnesium. The original and classic IV nutritional therapy.

This super charge of vitamins enhances the immune system overall, increases energy and helps with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, vitamin deficiency, anxiety, seasonal allergies, stress, depression, migraine or tension headaches, gut malabsorption, leaky gut, and often offers support to to the immune system.

Immune Booster IV infusion

Feel a cold coming on? No time to get rundown or get sick? Feel like you are always getting sick? Let’s kick start that IMMUNE system! This IV has a Vitamin B blend, Magnesium, Extra Vitamin C, Selenium, and and immune blend of powerful antioxidants, including Glutathione to kick up the immune system for fighting off or preventing the attack of the illnesses around you.

Vitamin C Infusion

Powerful antioxidant and immune booster! Progesssion from 25-100 GM doses infused intravenously for treatment of Lyme, chronic immunedeficiency and as an adjunctive treatment in cancer. Best in conjunction with ImmuneBoost IV infusion. Consultation and labs are required before IV Vitamin C can be given to assess kidney function and for G6PD deficiency.

Glutathione- IV/IM injection

This my friends, is the MASTER. The Powerhouse of all things immune, metabolism and energy related. Not only does it drive them immune system as a powerful antioxidant, it is involved in DNA synthesis and repair, metabolism of toxins and liver function, among many other things. Glutathione has benefits for the cardiovascular system, brain function, mental health, fatty liver disease AND is anti-aging with a side of beautiful skin. So, it is highly recommended as an add on to any of our IV protocols.

Simply Hydrate IV

Need to re-hydrate? This is the simplest infusion of them all. 1 liter of IV Normal Saline to fill you up.


PMS symptoms of bloating, cramping, low back pain, irritability and the blues can be managed with this IV Cocktail. Includes a special Vitamin Blend, Magnesium, Calcium and Vitamin B12.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

ALA is a very potent antioxidant and is highly involved in energy production. Many common diseases and symptoms of aging are truly the result of destructive free radicals and inflammation. ALA is regernative, targets free radicals, assists in liver detoxification and decreases inflammation. ALA also improves insulin sensitivity. Add on boosts of ALA are great for energy, prevention and regeneration.

Medically IV-ALA at higher doses can be of benefit in:


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Auto-Immune Diseases

Multiple Sclerosis


Peripheral Neuropathy

NAD+ Infusions

NAD+ as a cofactor may be used for improving mental clarity, alertness, concentration, and memory. IV infusion, as opposed to injections, increase levels to a therapeutic level rapidly and can be felt within 35-40 minutes into the infusion.

Because of its role in energy production and DNA repair, NAD+ may also be used for improving athletic performance and reduce aging effects. NAD+ has also been shown to have benefit in neurodegenerative disorders, as well as in mood disorders, anxiety, depression and PTSD.

Other conditions:

Alzheimer’s disease

Parkinson’s disease

Heart disease


Mitochondrial dysfunction

Multiple sclerosis



Chronic fatigue

Memory/concentration issues

NAD+ for Addictions Protocol

Addiction represents the most common untreatable disorder in the 21st century. Addictions to food, alcohol, pain medications, smoking, gambling as well as other substances. The pleasure-reward cycle that perpetuates addictions robs our body’s supply of NAD+. Replenishing NAD+makes breaking the cycle much easier by improving energy and positivity while decreasing acute withdrawal symptoms like cravings, anxiety, stress, and depression.

IV NAD+ helps with managing addiction by:

  • Flushing out the drugs that are still in the client’s system.

  • Reducing withdrawal symptoms which may be intolerable.

  • Curbing the cravings for alcohol and opioids, making recovery easier.

  • Allows the body to produce energy more naturally, without a crash or jitters like other substances

  • Supportive program for counseling and management of addiction in addition to NAD+ IV therapy recommended


A few other options.. Injections are quick and easy and give a boost we can’t infuse into a vein.

Super B Lipo

Take MIC + B-12, add Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5 for increased appetite control and fat burning.

Vitamin D3 Sunshine Boost

Vitamin D- The sunshine vitamin improves bone strength, boosts moods, has been shown to alleviate depression symptoms and comes in an injection of 50,000 iu given once per month as an injection


NAD+ can be given as a subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, as well as IV infusion. Not all conditions will benefit from injections and will require IV infusion for benefit.

Athletic performance, energy, improved cognitive functioning, metabolism, mood disorders and anti-aging are the most common conditions that self administration will be an effective option for NAD+.

If you feel you may be a candidate for self administered injections a consultation. If indeed you are, a prescription can be delivered right to your door.